Wedding Supplier Tips | Wedding Cakes


I’m delighted to have Amy from Cookie Delicious chat to me about her experience as a baker of wedding cakes and cookies! Gone are the days of wedding cakes of old – you know the ones – slabs of dry fruit cake with a bit of marzipan slapped on, and where someone’s aunty tells you it must then go in the freezer until the end of time.

Amy is based in Essex, and specialises in beautiful bespoke wedding cakes and cookies that not only look sensational, but – and this is kind of the point – taste sensational too! Read below about Amy’s experiences as a baker, and also her thoughts on Tom Hardy….

How long have you been baking cakes?

My love for sugarcraft began in 2013 when I decided I’d like to have a go at making some wedding favours for our wedding. I bought a book by Lindy Smith and after some practice I managed to make some cookies passable enough to offer our guests as favours! The baking bug had taken hold, and before long I was baking birthday cakes for friends and family. My first wedding cake order came from a friend in October 2013, it was of course not without a few sleepless nights, sweat and tears….. but the rest was history and here I am six years later, living my wedding cake making dream!

What’s your top tip / best advice about wedding cakes for couples?

It’s really important to share as much information about your wedding with your cake maker as possible. Tiny details from things such as invitations, bridesmaid dresses and centrepieces can make the difference between quite a good wedding cake, and a beautiful truly bespoke, utterly perfect wedding cake for your day! I love to see my clients Pinterest boards, and I like to have a full list of fresh flowers being used and photos of anything the couple have already purchased/ordered for the wedding. Armed with all of this information I can visualise the cake and how it should look.

In your experience, what’s the most common misconception about wedding cakes?

At first glance, wedding cakes can seem rather expensive to some people. The truth is, with a bespoke wedding cake service like my own, you are not just purchasing a cake to eat, it’s so much more than that. Its a bespoke piece of edible art that has been handmade to your exact specification to fit perfectly with your wedding theme. Realistic sugarflowers are created petal by petal, colour matched to your fresh flowers, they can take hours to create and it’s a skill that has been acquired  over the course of many years. 

What are the trends for bespoke wedding cakes in 2019?

This year I am being asked for more elaborate cakes, lots of beautiful green foliage and gold embellishment. That said, the notorious semi-naked cake is still hanging on for dear life and I don’t think it’s on its way out just yet! Trying to use fresh flowers more creatively and even delving deeper into creating beautiful tablescapes will help to keep this rustic theme thriving!


Finally, who in the public eye would you love to bake for and why?

Ooh tricky, but after careful consideration I’m going to say Tom Hardy…. purely so I have his contact details, haha! Otherwise, if I have to be serious, then any of the Royal family. That would be super amazing!

You can check out more of Amy’s incredible sugarwork via her website, and you can also catch her on the socials here on FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM.